District Competitions

Visiting Lions Competition – Make a trip them claim your Points!


Visiting Lions – I have seen many Lions at events I’ve attended since 1 January – both on zoom and live – and I have already received a good number of completed forms. But I know there are some missing – so please everyone check your diaries for what you’ve done and where you have been and let me have your forms. Joining other Club meetings, service projects and events, Zone meetings, Members Forums, seminars, trainings and other District events are all eligible. If you need an electronic copy of the form you can email me for one at competitions@lions105cw.org.uk. And that’s where to send your completed ones please.

Visiting Lions Claim form 2022


Our competition year ends on 31 December, and trophies will be presented at District Convention in April 2023. In the meantime, please give me something to do during the coming autumn and long winter evenings by sending in your entries.

Lion Jan Watson
105CW Competitions Officer